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The Importance of Positive Words

While there’s no rule that says you can’t use negative words in your writing, most professionals recommend focusing on the positives. And for good reason — when you put a negative word like “failure” before a positive word, like “success,” it negates the positive. In other words, using a negative word makes the positive sound less important than it really is. But what if you don’t have anything to spare?
Negative words can sap your energy and leave you feeling deflated and defeated. That may not seem like much of an effect at first but over time, those little details can add up. You end up taking on more stress than necessary because every little thing becomes a big deal. When you use specific types of language more often than not, it does become something of a habit.

It doesn’t take much to make sure you aren’t listening to these types of phrases anymore; simply changing your language will help as well. If you want to enhance your writing so that readers can easily grasp its message and get excited about reading it, here are some ways in which you can start doing so today.

Don’t Use “You Can’t” Language

One of the most common issues professional writers face is their desire to start their sentences with the word “you can’t.” You may be trying to emphasize the negativity of what you’re saying but you’re delivering a completely different message altogether. The problem with “you can’t” is that it’s a blanket statement no matter what you’re talking about. There’s no way around this. You can’t keep a certain habit you have, you can’t stop yourself from doing something — and you can’t change certain things about the world. The best thing you can do is simply change the way you phrase things so that you don’t use “you can’t” language as much. Instead of saying “you can’t,” try using “I don’t recommend this” or “I don’t recommend doing this.”

Stop Saying “Never”

Too often, people use words like “never” or “always” when they don’t need to. This can cause your writing to sound repetitive and boring. More than anything though, it’s just unnecessary. “Never” doesn’t usually mean “always” and “usually” and “seldom” as well. As a writer, you want to use words like these as sparingly as possible. You don’t have to go overboard with them, but it’s important that you don’t skimp on them either. In the beginning, you may want to use them more often than you should to avoid sounding boring. But as your writing becomes better, you don’t have to continue using them.

Don’t Call Things “Bad”

When you say things are “bad,” you’re not only implying that they’re ugly and lacking in quality. You’re also implying that they’re “wrong.” This may work well in real life where there’s a clear “right” and “wrong” moral standing on certain situations. In writing though, you want to keep words like “bad” and “wrong” to a minimum. If you find yourself using them too often, it’s probably because you’re not really sure how else to phrase things. As you continue to write, you’ll find yourself using more appropriate words like “ugly” or “wrong” to describe things instead of the “bad” and “wrong” words you used in the beginning.

Focus On the Positive

When you write, you want to keep the focus on your readers. You don’t want them to be confused or feel disinterested in your work. To do this, you have to include positive words in your writing. There are plenty of ways to do this. You can try using positive words like “exciting,” “potent,” “intriguing,” or “colorful” within your sentences. You can also try using positive words like “enjoying” or “enamored” when you’re describing things like a person or place. But it’s important to remember that you don’t have to use a ton of these words. A few here and there will do just fine. It’s not about cramming your writing full of these words and making it sound cheesy; it’s about simply making an effort to include them.

List of most common positive words

- Adorable - Amazing - Authority - Beautiful - Bright - Calm - Colorful - Exciting - Enjoyable - Fascinating - Funny - Lovely - Potent - Powerful - Successful - Surprising - Interesting - Inspiring - Interesting - Interesting - Interesting - Pleasant - Relaxing - Relaxing - Relaxing - Relaxing - Unique - Wonderful -

I also recommend this list of positive words starting with s to describe a person or this incredibly detailed list of positive t words.


Finally, remember that you don’t have to be “on” all the time. Even if you are “on,” you’ll still have to do a lot of work. You don’t have to put all your effort into being positive all the time. Be careful not to let the negative take over your life and your writing too. There will be times when you want to use negative words, but you can still prevent it from taking over your writing. Just be sure not to use them when you don’t need to and you’ll be fine. With a little effort, you can keep your writing positive while still using negative words when you need to.